I feel a lot of our scenarios involve around running towards a goal- college, course, job, salary- with no knowledge of what to do or expect once that’s achieved.
Like you, I too completed an engineering-MBA and will agree with the fact that its not what its painted out to be. Especially since the job market today being very different from when we were in class 10th and made our career choices.
Personally, the major take-aways from my management degree were a great peer network, a lot of whom are business contacts today; a brilliant network of professors who had tomes of industry knowledge and lastly, all the outside classroom learning experiences- study groups, case study preps, peer-to-peer sessions and just random musing with like minded people who’re probably also looking for meaning in between all the case handouts and company placements- kept me grounded for sure!
On a lighter note, you might enjoy a short piece I wrote on one of the classic marketing topics. I tried simplifying marketing jargon by removing MBA faff around the Five Forces framework and how it sits into the dating world.