
Divya Singh
3 min readMay 1, 2015


Yagan for, “A wordless yet meaningful stare shared by two people who both desire to initiate something, but are both reluctant to start.”

Whaaiirr did I put my tickets? Argh I so hate this bag, it is so stupid, oh, here they are. Ok now where was I? Yup, page 49.

*Look up to see the flight schedule for the 10th time.*

Maybe I’ll pick up the book in my seat. Makes things easier. I can finish this cold coffee for now in peace.

*Look up to the giant chocolate store.*

Well, since I’m not doing anything else, let me have a quick look around. I could buy something for my friends. Maybe like this box, oh whoa, does this have gold plated diamond studded pearls? I don’t even like dark chocolate that much. Oh truffles, come here…

Yes ma! I will call once I land. Yes I will pick up lunch. Don’t worry. Okay, take care. Bye!

Who was that? That voice was so surreal and beautiful.

*Look up. Make eye contact with stranger. Stranger makes eye contact. Look down frantically looking for something to look interested about.*

What just happened? Was that Adonis? Who is that gorgeous man? And did he just look at me?

*Instinctively check reflection in the glass*

I mean he couldn’t have, I mean look at him!

Wow, she looks really pretty. It’s so adorable the way she is going all red. Oh man, she is looking at me. Quick look cool. Cool, not dumb, stop grinning. From both sides of your mouth, you idiot.

Ahh! The lopsided smile. Gosh, I’m melting! I have to talk to him. I mean this cannot just be a coincidence. Two strangers on an airport, a gaze, a smile!

Oh, she’s coming this way. I hope she doesn’t think I’m having a seizure, the way I’ve been grinning for the past 60 seconds. Think of something cool to say. Maybe showoff a little, but be classy about it, brain.

*Say aloud to cashier: I’ll take the Godiva. And could you please hurry a bit. My plane to Barcelona departs shortly.*

Did he just say Barcelona!

Did I just say Barcelona?

How I wish he’d say Dubai. Why God, why?

But I’m flying to Dubai! Why brain, why? Too late now. Just shut up and sit in a corner and gorge on your super expensive chocolate that you’d hoped to share with the gorgeous girl. Have it with someone in your fictional Barcelona now, Romeo!

*Sit on a corner seat*

Oh well, maybe a look is all I get today. I’ll buy the same chocolate he purchased. For some ethereal connection between…Holy mother of God! Did he just purchase this piece of gold? I think I’m good with a few rum balls to mope.

*Sit opposite to the stranger. Notice you’re sitting opposite him. Widen eyes. Drop your book and bag.*

Great! Torture me. Sit here. In front of me, and look at me those gazelle eyes and flushed cheeks and..oh she’s dropped her things.

*Leap across the fifteen feet gap to help her pick one book and one bag. Feel like a knight in shining armor. Read her boarding pass. Smile. Remind self to not grin.*

*Remind self to not stare into those moons of ocean blue. Stare and blush.*

“Attention all passengers. Flight number E501 to Dubai is now ready for departure. We request all…”

Oh no! No no no no no no no! I just need to drop a few more things and I think we’ll hit it off really well. Look at him beaming. We need a chance, universe. Think of the beautiful babies we were going to have.

Ok..this is just weird. How do I talk to her when she’s heard me say Barcelona? I can’t waste the 5 hour flight. Quick! Think something.

Farewell my lover, paramour and the almost father to our beautiful babies.

*Say out loud, “Do you know the saddest word in English language? I think it’s almost. Because it represents a possibility, that never could be a reality.” And I hate almosts. So here’s the thing, I really feel like we have a connection and I would want to know you more. I think I will take the flight to Dubai too.”*

*Reply, “This is just like Before Sunrise, in real life!” Grin at Adonis.*

*Question, “I’m sorry? Before sunrise?”*

*Answer, “Ah, Its my favorite romantic movie, its about a similar…”*

*Give out a half laugh. Clarify, “I don’t really watch movies. I’m more of…”*

*Pick your bags and leave. This love story is not going anywhere!*



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