Stop your Trashy Music Bias
“Seriously, how can you like such music?” is a question I have often found myself getting asked.
From my affiliation for 90s Bollywood music, to the absolute lust I feel for Adam MarryMe Levine, to the ability to recite from memory all the Badshah rap lyrics- I accept it all and feel no shame.
And here’s why, for me, music is an escape to crazy time and letting loose. Dancing away with no shoes on. Singing at the top of my voice inside my car. (Including fake beat boxing to match the background sounds). And if I can do that on a ‘cheap’ 90s song, or a severely plastic surgeried remix, I ask you dear person, Problem Kya Hai?
A lot of my friends and loved ones share different tastes in music. They like different genres, artists and even languages of the songs, and difference is great! Here’s how it helps everyone.
The Classy Sassy Curater
The inspiration for this article came in, not ironically, while listening to my latest find while sipping some cold coffee. And it reminded me of an evening spent last year at a close friend’s place. She curates, in her words, ‘classy music’ which is to be enjoyed with ‘good company and smooth wine’.
I remember the night for three very specific things- the most amazing cheese balls ever, the spilt red wine that her dog lapped it up contently, and the memory of three buzzed girls trying to dance to Coke Studio. Its tough to catch the beats right for Chhap Tilak, I admit. And I don’t quite remember, whom we did more injustice to, the song or the dance. But I must say, a night to remember indeed.
The pseudo hipster
I have a dear friend who scours new talent like that guy from the video with the black couch(yes you know the one!). He listens exclusively to new artists and will stop listening to a song as soon as over three people in a social gathering claim to have heard it. “Yeah, that song came out way back. I’m so over it now!”
I’m proud of you for keeping the industry going and supporting new grassroot level talent. Way to go. Love the freshness you add to my playlist and pretence you add to my social circle.
Full disclosure- I did try this personality once about ten years back. I went around asking people if they had heard the band ‘Dimmu Borgir’ only to get incredulous stares and in return roll my eyes at them and say- “Tsk, you’re missing out!” #GoodTimes
The Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman
In this world which constantly seeks to drag the other person down to feel superior, I came to know a young man once. While he wasn’t the most fluent or well-read person in the room the one thing he had dollops of was self confidence. He often seasoned his sentences with ‘lot many’ mistakes when he ‘loosed’ his grasp of grammar. And yet his playlist consisted almost exclusively of the latest US tracks.
You have to hand it to the man for a brilliant karaoke performance to ‘Hey Lo Sister’ by Train. Instead of sticking to his safe space of Altaf Raja, the man goes light years ahead to Ariana Grande and makes an attempt to fit in and be cool. Societal Pressure sure scores a win!
There are more, niche slices of the audience. The Arijit lover. The Ghazals only guy. The girl who only listens to Taylor’s break up songs. And in my eyes, they’re all wonderful! Each one becomes a different sound in the background score of my life.
I hope this teeny tiny rant made you realize how important I am in your life too! Here’s a parting present for you my Angel!