What Do You Choose - Normalcy or Extra-ordinariness?

Divya Singh
2 min readMar 24, 2018


It might not be as straightforward as you think.

Growth happens only Outside the Comfort Zone

You seek out ways to level up your current life.

You skim articles upon articles of productivity, time management, bullet journaling, stoic meditations and HIIT workouts. You want to only do Deep Work, and read 1 book a week, and have kale smoothies to win at life. Your treks cannot be just 30 miles outside of town- but Maachu Pichu. Your home decor has to be levelled up with the latest Pinterest trends. And not all of it is for external projection.

On the contrary, a lot of this comes from the fact that you enjoy working upto this extraordinary way of life which you deserve.


Normalcy brings contentment.

You also crave for the familiarity of the known. People, places, pleasantries- the constant pursuit of extra-ordinariness drives you away from things which usually make your brain calm and stable and send out cues of liking. It’s the exposure effect, and you feel it in the pangs when you crave your local food in a foreign country when you’re on a long trip. Or why your generation, and every generation before and after you will dub the songs of their childhood and teens as the best songs.

However, normalcy becomes an unspeakable word for it is close to mediocre- and if there’s one thing the human race is against, its being mediocre. Right?

Back to the question I’m posing here - do you know what you’re really choosing and why?



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